When Otixo was developed in 2010, it was designed to make cloud storage management easier to use. Users may have more than one cloud storage account, thus Otixo is the connection between several accounts. Yes, this is awesome. Files can be viewed or transferred from one cloud service to another via Otixo all on one window. Users can upload photos on Photixo from the cloud services that are supported on Otixo. Photixo is the Otixo Photo Uploader that is available for an additional cost.
It does not matter if the primary operating system is Windows or Mac or if the site supports WebDav or FTP. Some of the cloud services that are accessible through Otixo include Dropbox, Google Docs, Amazon S3, MobileMe, SugarSync, Box, Ubuntu One and more.
Cost of Otixo
Otixo offers one paid service plan. Users can start on a 14-day free trial, then can opt for unlimited accounts for $4.99 a month or $47.90 a year.
Pros of Otixo
When users have multiple cloud services, primarily because they sign up for the free gigabytes, they flip-flop between accounts. Otixo puts all of the accounts in one place and becomes the file manager. Access is available anywhere there is an internet connection. As a management system, it is organized and easy to use. Set up with other cloud services is also easy as is the drag-and-drop process of files between services. Users also appreciate the preview options for all files.
File sharing is a feature that is not offered by all cloud services, but Otixo makes it possible. If a file an individuals wants to share is on a cloud service that does not offer file sharing, the user can still send a link via Otixo to share with it intended person. The Spaces feature allows for collaboration because a team of workers who need to work on or with the same document. It doesn’t matter if the members of the team are subscribers to another cloud; with Otixo, they can still connect their necessary files as long as they are using that file manager.
Cons of Otixo
As a multiple cloud storage service, it lacks in mobile support compared to the competition. As of February 2013, Otixo has undergone a price plan change, thus there are numerous complaints and lag time affecting service and support.
But all that said, the basic idea behind the service is solid and I think they’ll bounce back from any problems just fine.